Paper on Paper

A Funeral - 12x12 paper collage framed

it was a war of worlds
an unsettling disaster made possible by progress. Man made by nature and nature put to rest by man, as child buries parent when the years add up to a number no longer sustainable.
Watch as the sunsets thicken, the air weighs down droplets of water to kiss our cemented hearts. Interstate highways and byways and turnpike extensions paved far and wide.
Blessed be the oil, the fruit of earth’s creation. In the name of the aero plane, the train, and the automobile - We do say Amen.

A Monopoly of Windows - 12x16 framed

We have the world to ourselves;
In an effortless
Wave of uncertainty
Our limbs give way to the ocean for support.

In a monopoly of Windows
I see a fortune sign
Sewn into the fabric of
The sky
Kissed by a black velvet sun
Setting over a cooling earth

A zone of indefinite time
Fighting for a spot in the open air;
A stone for a body, Candle for breath,
The illusions we hold
Are indifferent to our fortunes.

And if the moon may take us
Let us shine with peace.
The content of our actions
Reflects the truth that comes
With every last breath